Meeting Summary - 08/14/24 RTCBTF Meeting

  1. 2 – RTCBTF Update and Issues Matt Mereness

    • RTC+B program update
    • Current focus is on development, training, market trials, and sequencing to go live.
    • Plan to announce a go-live date by September
    • Expected at the end of 2025 at the earliest 
    • Efforts are being made to avoid extending into 2026

    2.1 – Re-aligning Issues List at Sept Meeting

    • Discussed the development of the go-live sequence for the program in the next few weeks.
    • Integrated market readiness into the development plan, focusing on timelines, milestones, and deadlines for issue resolution.
    • Identified a need to prioritize policy-driven changes that may take up to six months.
    • Targeted mid-2025 for the initiation of market trials.
    • Flagged that the discussion on AS proxy offers was not ready for today but planned for the next meeting.
    • Focused on market readiness and settlements, leaving room for information on demand curves.
    • Planned a culling process to streamline and prioritize the issues list, currently containing about 20 items.
    • Developed clarifying NPRRs including a singular RTC (Real-Time Co-optimization) NPRR to capture baseline developments since 2019 and identify gaps found during business requirements.
    • Shared initial drafts of the NPRR revisions last month, filed with numbers and provided links.
    • Scheduled to review the NPRR revisions in the next two to three meetings.

    2.2 – Scope of RTC+B Program

    • Introduced the RTC+B program for understanding and development in future meetings.
    • Key foundational documents include NPRR1007 through 1013 set in 2019-2020 and supporting documents like operating guide revisions and binding OBDR.
    • NPRR1204 involves state of charge, 1236 deals with RUC capacity short, and various clarifying NPRRs were discussed.
    • NPRR1000 related to Dynamically Scheduled Resources is being formally deleted to save testing time.
    • NPRR1054 removes the Oklaunion exemption settlement calculations transparently.
    • NPRR1172 includes changes to the RUC clawback.
    • Implementing sections of NPRR963 that overlap with NPRR1014 for 1014 to work fully, creating an interdependency.
    • NPRR1058 enables QSEs to update energy offer curves in real-time, going live next week.
    • Training for RTC+B is planned but not outlined; feedback on critical pieces is welcomed for a future update.
    • Specifics of RTC+B training are to be developed in the next few weeks. Update will be provided in next month’s meeting.
    • Clarification on whether the listed NPRRs are exhaustive for the RTC+B scope: Current list is what is known now, but updates will continue as necessary. ERCOT aims to minimize market changes to accommodate this scope. 

    Questions and Answers:

    Participant: Bill Barnes
    Question: Inquiry about the development and availability of an RTC+B training program for market participants.
    Response: Training is part of the project, with specifics to be anchored in the next few weeks. A detailed update on training will be provided in next month’s meeting.

    Participant: Chris Espinosa
    Question: Clarification on whether the listed NPRRs are exhaustive for the RTC+B scope.
    Response: Current list is what is known now, but updates will continue as necessary. ERCOT aims to minimize market changes to accommodate this scope.

    Next Steps:

    Discussion on NPRRs, simulator update, market submissions, market readiness, and the agenda for the next meeting in September.

    3 – Review RTC and ESR Clarifying Revision Requests for Market Questions Dave Maggio/Kenneth Ragsdale

    • Discussion on revision requests for NPRR1245 and single model changes.
    • A niche topic related to settlements was identified and presented for NPRR1245.

    3.1 – RTC- NPRR1245

    • Magie Shanks presented the DAM Omission Settlement update
    • While reviewing NPRR1245, an additional necessary edit was discovered.
    • In section 9.14.10, settlement procedures need to include real-time market clearing prices.
    • Current language assumes awards for AS are only physical, ignoring real-time reallocations.
    • Propose changes to settlement section to align with real-time market operations.
    • Changes will be submitted as comments for consideration at the September PRS.
    • Presentation included current workflow and proposed changes for ancillary services.
    • New proposal aligns price calculations between day-ahead and real-time markets.

    4 – Issue 3 – RTC Simulator Update verbal update only Raymund Lee

    • Raymund Lee provided a quick update on the RTC SCED production scale tool.
    • System-wide limits (RSUF, RSFF, ECRSM) have been formulated.
    • Implemented logic for NCLRs to self-provide ancillary services, including validation logic.
    • Core formulation of the problem completed for the first phase.
    • Development done using small test cases; large scale testing and validation are upcoming.
    • Intern Luke Gutierrez created a visualization application for tool outputs.
    • The next steps include testing and validation on larger cases and resolving bugs.
    • Last meeting discussed the original slides for the simulator scope, confirming it as an ERCOT in-house tool to use ERCOT databases and rerun historical system solutions via RTC.
    • RTC task force has provided operating days for simulation runs; next phase involves running sample cases and presenting them back to the group.

    5 – Issue 9 – Explanation of Market Submission Interface Changes Nathan Smith

    • Nathan Smith presented the RTC+B Market Submission Changes 
    • Discussion on moving from “AS responsibility” to “AS capability” to represent a resource’s total AS capacity available by AS type.  Changes in COP allowing negative values for ESRs to account for charging and discharging states.
    • Explanation of new “AS only offers” for the day-ahead market.

    • Introduction of ESR energy bid offer curve for RTC+B, DAM, RUC, and SCED, allowing negative megawatt quantities for charging states.
    • Detailed discussion on resource-specific as offers and their applications in DAM, SASM, RUC, and SCED.
    • Modifications to the market manager submission UI, including new sub-tabs and drop-down options for DAMs.
    • Addition of three new parameters for ESRs: minimum state of charge, max state of charge, and round trip efficiency.
    • Changes to reports: removal of DAM AS insufficiency report and the SASM reports
    • Replacing DAM AS obligation with DAM Advisory AS Obligations. Adding DAM Final AS obligations report and DAM AS-only Offer Awards report

    • Discussion on training needs: preference for modular training units with voice-over narration over comprehensive all-day events.
    • Suggestion to incorporate a bulletin board or FAQ system for addressing participant questions asynchronously.

    6 – Issue 10 – Market Readiness Matt Mereness

    6.1 – Final Review of Market Trials Plan

    • Market Trials and Transition Planning Document
    • Matt Mereness explained market submissions and system setup timelines, including the planned go-live in May 2025.
    • July-August will involve SCED testing and telemetry checkout.
    • Control room tests will simulate real dispatch scenarios for 2 to 4 hours.
    • Luminant provided comments and noted the need for short technical workshops at each phase.
    • Clarifications on QSE attestation and request for at least ten business days advance notice for open or closed loop tests were discussed.
    • Discussion included avoiding settlement impacts during closed loop tests and allowing QSEs to test their systems during such tests.
    • Comments from Luminant suggested the need for more detailed internal testing, especially related to non-spin reserves.
    • ERCOT explained that closed loop tests aim to ensure reliability without financial settlements, suggesting disputes could be raised if financially harmed.
    • Monica Jha from Vistra expressed concerns about testing non-spin reserves during closed loop testing.
    • Dave Maggio from ERCOT clarified concerns and suggested further offline discussions to address them.
    • It was noted that QSE-specific functionalities might need separate testing closer to go-live.

    6.2 – Attestation Scorecard going to Board

    • Three main points of attestation:
      • Identify accountable executive.
      • Acknowledge ERCOT’s interface specifications as of June 29, 2024.
      • Acknowledge goal to prepare for market trials as early as May 2025.
    • Intent was to gauge awareness of deadlines, not to commit to readiness
    • Scorecard status: Out of 106 entries, only one company (LCRA) is missing.
    • Yellow status for some in-progress PCs lacking resources but will need to build for both current and RTC systems.
    • LCRA flagged for modifying attestations, specifically omitting engagement for May 2025 market trials due to uncertainty.
    • Purpose of attestation emphasized as market readiness awareness.
    • Update on EMIL-related reports: New data products will be added and modifications shown in a report inventory.
    • Approximately 50 reports will be added, modified, or deleted.

    7 – Issue 18 – Placeholder for MPs Discussion of AS Demand Curves

    • AS Demand Curves not discussed

    7.1 – Indifference Payment Required under RTC to avoid Incentive Incompatibility – Shams Siddiqi

    • Shams Siddiqi introduced the issue of indifference payment related to RTC design, initially thought to be resolved through NPRR1214.
    • RTC doesn’t provide indifference payment related to Reliability Deployment Price Adder (RDPA) causing incentive incompatibility for resources.
    • Resources might chase higher RDPA prices instead of following their base points, leading to reliability concerns.
    • Currently, all resources with available capacity are paid the real-time RDPA ancillary service imbalance amount, creating unnecessary large payments.
    • Proposed indifference payment based on 0.5*ΔLMP*ΔMW between pricing run and dispatch run deltas to reduce incentives to chase prices
    • Implementation of NPRR1214 is suggested to be in phases, starting with a grid-wide indifference payment, then introducing locational price signals.
    • Recommends a further refinement to address AS award differences between the SCED pricing run and dispatch run
    • In their latest NPRR1214 comments, ERCOT proposed deferring the consideration of NPRR1214 until after RTC implementation, raising concerns about potential severe scarcity events.
    • Discussion included the need for tools to simulate RDPA price adders and look at the risk of not addressing the indifference payment issue.
    • Hunt Energy Network recommends pursuing NPRR1214 to implement the indifference payment with RTC implementation, or pursuing a new urgent NPRR to do the same.

    8 – Heads-up on Topics for September RTCBTF Meeting Matt Mereness

    • Topics for September meeting include
      • Consolidation of list of issues to prioritize most important issues.
      • Further discussion of the scope of the RTC program.
      • Update on simulator.
      • Addressing the load frequency control tests during the market trails plan.
      • Development of RTC+B training
      • AS demand curves, which may potentially be discussed at board meeting next week
      • AS proxy parameters addressing how to set proxy offer prices
    • Planned a detailed process involving multiple meetings for setting proxy offer prices.
    • Sought feedback on data or analysis needed to inform proxy offer prices.
    • Education on the proxy process and its complexities planned.
    • Addressed clarifications and questions from attendees regarding proxy offers and related protocols.

    9 – Issue 8- Mapping of Bill Determinants to Extracts and Reporting for developing Shadow Settlement Magie Shanks

    • Main goal is to outline the settlement changes under RTC+B.

    9.1 – Settlements and Billing Deep-Dive

    Settlement Changes Overview:

    • NPRRs Included in RTC+B Project:
      • NPRR1007-1013: Related to RTC implementation.
      • NPRR1014: Covers Single Model ESR.
      • NPRR1029: Focuses on Market Suspension for ESRs.
      • NPRR963: Addresses Set Point Deviation for ESRs, baseline for NPRR1014.
      • NPRR1054: Removes Oklaunion Exemption; cleans up Settlement System.
      • NPRR1172: Cleans up RUC Clawback Settlement.
      • NPRR1000: Eliminates Dynamically Scheduled Resources (DSR).
      • NPRR1236: RUC State of Charge considerations.
      • NPRR1245 & 1246: Clean-up NPRRs for RTC and ESR.

    Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Changes:

    • Day-Ahead Make-Whole Payment:
      • ESRs excluded from receiving these payments.
    • Day-Ahead Ancillary Service Payment & Charge:
      • New charge type for Ancillary Service Only Offers in DAM Settlement Statement.
    • Day-Ahead Congestion Revenue Rights:
      • New category for ESRs in pricing for settlement points.

    Cost and Pricing Changes:

    • Energy Offer Curve Cost Caps:
      • New category for ESRs, affecting DAM and Real-Time Market (RTM) settlements.
      • ESRs excluded from DAAIEC, impacting Make-Whole Payments.

    Real-Time Market (RTM) Changes:

    • Real-Time HDLO Energy Payment:
      • ESRs qualify for payment if directed to reduce power.
    • Set-Point Deviation:
      • Renamed from Base-Point Deviation; ESR-specific calculations for over/under performance.
    • Voltage Support Service Payments:
      • Updates include ESRs, with new intermediate calculations for ESRs.
    • Emergency Operations Payment:
      • Includes ESRs, adjusting for their charging side in emergency events.
    • Switchable Generation Make-Whole Payment:
      • Updated to include RT Ancillary Service (AS) Revenues.
    • Real-Time Ancillary Service Settlement:
      • New charges and payments based on AS Imbalance, AS Only Offers, and AS Trade Overages.
    • Real-Time Derated AS Capability Charge:
      • New charge type allocated on LRS basis for RT Derated payments.

    Market Suspension and RUC Changes:

    • Market Suspension Payment:
      • Includes ESR considerations, allowing submission of actual O&M rates.
    • Market Suspension Charge:
      • ESR load removed from LRS allocation for Market Suspension Charges.
    • RUC Make-Whole Payments and Clawback Charges:
      • ESRs excluded from RUCMW payments and RUC Clawback Charges.
      • Includes RT AS revenues in RUC Guarantee calculations.
    • RUC Decommitment Payment:
      • ESRs excluded from related Clawback Charges.
    • RUC Capacity Short:
      • ESRs included in QSE’s capacity calculation and shortfall determination.

    Settlement Statements and Miscellaneous Invoices:

    • Some charges related to DAM omissions will appear on miscellaneous invoices rather than on settlement statements.
    • No structural changes will be made to settlement statements; however, new or removed line items will be added.
    • Extracts will remain the same, but they will reflect new or removed bill determinants.

    Handling of Removed Settlement Charges:

    • Removed settlement charges will still appear on statements for final or true-up settlements, but new charge types will be updated for new operating days.

    ESR Price Categories:

    • ESRs previously included under the “Other” category are now assigned their own category, maintaining the same minimum and maximum prices (negative $20 and $100, respectively).
    • Any changes to these prices would require a new NPRR.

    Settlement Changes for RTC and Non-RTC Related NPRRs:

    • NPRRs not directly related to RTC or ESR will still be bundled and released with the RTC project.
    • Market trials are built to the current scope, and any new NPRRs impacting RTC will be adapted as needed.

    Market Trials and Settlement Data:

    • Settlement changes will go live with the RTC+B project, not during market trials, as shadow settlements won’t be visible during trials.
    • There is a plan to release generic, non-QSE-specific settlement data at the beginning of next year to help market participants understand the impact of the changes.

    Clarifications on Settlement and NPRR Errors:

    • Future NPRRs flagged in the issues list are intended to correct errors in the language, not to change the functionality.
    • Generic statements and extracts will be shared with market participants to illustrate what post-RTC settlement artifacts will look like.

Related controls: NORR1172, NPRR1214, NPRR1204, NPRR963, NPRR1236, NPRR1058, NPRR1000, NPRR1245, NPRR1054, NPRR1246

Related Meeting:  08/14/24 – ERCOT – RTCBTF Meeting

Keyword Tags: RTCBTF, NPRRs, DAM, ESR