Meeting Summary - 09/26/24 Open Meeting

0 – Chairman Gleeson calls meeting to order

0.1 – Commission Counsel Shelah Cisneros lays out Consent Agenda

  • Commission Counsel Shelah Cisneros addressed the Commissioners.
  • Commissioners voted by individual ballot to place Items 6 and 8 on the consent agenda.
  • No one signed up to speak on either Item 6 or Item 8.
  • Chairman Gleeson asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda.
  • A motion was made and approved.

1 – Public comment for matters that are under the Commission’s jurisdiction, but not specifically posted on this agenda.

  • Only one person, Jeff Walker, signed up for Public Comment.

1.1 Jeff Walker, member of Windermere Oaks Water Supply Corporation

  • Jeff Walker, a board member since 2003, reports on the status of WOWSC’s rate appeal six months post-approval.
  • Initial reduction in Walker’s bill from $165.11 to $7.21, excluding a $39.21 surcharge for legal fees.
  • Unforeseen financial impact leads to an 80% revenue reduction, creating significant operational challenges.
  • WOWSC has been running a deficit since the rate appeal and is currently operating with approximately $10,000 in debt each month.
  • Lack of revenue affects the ability to comply with a concurrent compliance order, particularly financial audits.
  • Walker requests the Commission’s attention and possible action to address the financial burdens.

Items 2-4

  • Items 2-4 were Not Discussed

5 – Project No. 55999 – Reports of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas

  • Chairman acknowledges receipt on the Braunig CPS issue, submitted on the 19th.
  • Mention of a potential change in the notice of suspension of operation date to March 1, 2025, which is seen as beneficial.
  • Request for any updates on the ongoing negotiations or willingness of CPS to adhere to the new proposed date.
  • Deadline for receiving an answer from CPS is noted to be sometime next week.

5.1 – ERCOT’s Davida Dwyer with updates on report

  • Under the protocols, NSOs had to be provided at least 150 days before the proposed retirement date by our calculation, that’s October 2.
  • CPS has been receptive to the question about whether or not they’re willing to do it.
  • CPS is investigating whether or not they have the ability to change.
  • Based on the filing, it would be a good outcome, and hope CPS can find a way to accommodate that.

5.2 – Commissioner Glotfelty’s thoughts on ERCOT’s report

  • Addressed the interrelation of RMR and IROL issues in the same general location.
  • Emphasized the need for a coordinated solution rather than treating the issues as separate.
  • Suggested reconductoring lines to reduce congestion as a potential quick solution.
  • Acknowledged that while ERCOT cannot implement these solutions alone, utility involvement is necessary.
  • Proposed comprehensive discussions and solutions rather than piecemeal approaches.
  • Mentioned recent discussions and speeches about the benefits of reconductoring lines.
  • Requested updates on ongoing negotiations with CPS.

Item 6

  • Item 6 was Not Discussed

– Project No. 34677 – Reports of the Independent Market Monitor for the ERCOT Region

  • Reports of the Independent Market Monitor for the ERCOT region
  • Staff filed a memo in this docket

7.1 – Commission Staff’s Harika Basaran on IMM report & memo, 34677

  • Harika Basaran presented the state of the market report, which includes 15 or 16 recommendations.
  • A table was created summarizing whether the staff supports, is neutral, or disagrees with each recommendation and the reasoning behind these positions.
  • Recommendations are categorized into multiple ‘buckets’:
  • Policy:
    • Involves Commission-level decisions.
    • Includes topics like net metering and deadlines for certain initiatives.
  • Answer Reserves:
    • Ongoing discussions between IMM and ERCOT.
  • Multi Interval and Load Zone Changes:
    • Significant changes to the market system that require more data and should not be rushed before RTC is stable.
  • Minor Issues:
    • Progress is already being made on these with current NPRRs.
    • Can proceed if they do not delay RTC and have agreement from ERCOT and stakeholders.
  • Comfort with staff determining the schedule for these changes and addressing issues.

7.2 – Commissioner Glotfelty’s thoughts on IMM report & memo, 34677

  • Commissioner Glotfelty agrees with working on how issues are addressed.
  • Acknowledges the IMM report as an improvement, with thoughtful, model-based insights aimed at market efficiency. Finds report beneficial for market efficiency.
  • Expresses some disagreement with parts of the memo but appreciates the overall effort.
  • Highlights the importance of modifying TCOS away from the 4-CP method, predicting significant discussion around this point.
  • Emphasizes the need to address allocation of costs and rate design proactively, due to load growth from crypto miners, AI data centers, and other infrastructure needs.
  • Voices concern that future transmission infrastructure costs could be disproportionately borne by small business and residential consumers without early discussions.

7.3 – Commissioner Jackson’s thoughts on IMM report & memo, 34677

  • Commissioner Jackson emphasized the importance of establishing a process for managing data and information.
  • Discussed the concept of continuous improvement and evaluating data to identify potential challenges.
  • Stressed the need for successful organizations to manage risk and change effectively.

7.4 – Deputy Executive Director, Barksdale English gives clarification on Commission Staff’s memo, 34677

  • Commission Staff is supportive of opening the dialogue about 4-CP.
  • There isn’t a uniform opinion among the Commission Staff on moving away from 4-CP.
  • Commission Staff has not taken a formal position on the issue.
  • It’s a good time to review the decision made 20 years ago regarding 4-CP.
  • The goal is to determine if the decision remains correct or if there should be a shift to a new approach.

Item 8

  • Item 8 was Not Discussed

9 – Project No. 55718 – Reliability Plan for the Permian Basin under PURA § 39.167

  • Focus on reliability plan for Permian Basin under PURA section 39.167.
  • Commissioner Cobos and Commissioner Hjaltman have memos related to this project.
  • Commissioner Cobos is invited to present her memo first by Chairman Gleeson.

9.1 – Commissioner Cobos lays out her memo, 55718

  • Commissioner Cobos filed a memo with a modified recommendation for the Permian Basin reliability plan.
  • The primary goal is to preserve optionality on import paths into the Permian Basin and continue evaluation of EHV, particularly 765 kV transmission lines.
  • Clarification that prior assumptions of interchangeable import paths were incorrect; further engineering analysis would be needed for interchangeability.
  • ERCOT’s updated recommendation involves authorizing TSPs to prepare eight CCN applications: 5 for 345 kV and 3 for 765 kV import paths.
  • Recommendation aims to provide TSPs certainty and prioritize critically important import paths to mitigate delays, landowner impacts, and consumer costs.
  • Mandatory date of May 1, 2025, is set for an automatic pivot: if no EHV decision by then, proceed with 345 kV applications for the five import paths.
  • Identification and prioritization of import paths to serve 2030 load will mitigate potential delays and ensure readiness by day one of 2030.
  • Setting three critical deadlines post final order to ensure efficient proceedings and transparency:
    • ERCOT must file notice within 10 business days,
    • TSPs must respond within 15 business days,
    • TSPs and ERCOT to file a final report post-negotiation within 15 days.
  • Two projects to be opened by Commission staff:
    • Identification of TSPs,
    • Oversight of Permian Basin reliability plan.
  • Recommendation for a third-party consultant to monitor completion of the plan, paid for by TSPs, based on a successful model from a previous large infrastructure build out.

9.2 – Commissioner Hjaltman lays out her memo, 55718

  • Memo has three components: cost, landowner involvement, and the process outlined by Commissioner Cobos.
  • Concern about the costs of the eight lines; TSPs should be mindful of costs and expenses should be recorded as regulatory assets, though recovery is not guaranteed.
  • Landowner involvement should not be eliminated as an option.
  • Ensure that final determinations are made through a contested case to provide finality and decisive decisions.
  • Requested Commission Staff to develop a process for the outlined items and bring it back for discussion in a future meeting.

9.3 – Commissioner Glotfelty’s thoughts on the Commissioner’s memos, 55718

  • Commissioner Glotfelty expressed a continued preference for implementing 765 kV lines over 345 kV lines.
  • Emphasized that utilities, not ERCOT, have the expertise in routing, siting, building, and energizing lines.
  • Warned against over-involvement of ERCOT in the process, which could cause delays.
  • Highlighted economic benefits, estimating savings between $100 and $300 million per year in West Texas congestion reduction.
  • Discussed line efficiency, noting that 345 kV lines have four times more line losses compared to 765 kV lines.
  • Presented a case for visionary thinking, mentioning historical discussions about 765 kV lines since early 2000s and CREZ in 2010.
  • Addressed cost concerns, emphasizing that global steel price fluctuations impact project costs more significantly than application costs.
  • Supported moving forward with the project, seeing long-term benefits and potential to boost economic development and wages in the Permian Basin.
  • Advocated for 765 kV lines due to using less right of way, which impacts fewer landowners.

9.4 – Commissioner Jackson’s thoughts on Commissioner’s memos, 55718

  • Supportive of preserving optionality.
  • Opportunity for Texas to envision the future grid.
  • Texas’ growth presents unique opportunities.
  • Importance of gathering comprehensive data and stakeholder engagement.
  • Better data leads to better science, policy, and opportunities.
  • Focus on evaluating benefits of EHV (extra-high voltage).
  • Emphasis on starting with local transmission projects.
  • Commended Texas for potentially having the grid of the future.
  • Looking forward to working on 765 kV and 345 kV transmission lines.
  • Overall, in favor of the proposed plans.

9.5 – Commissioner Cobos’ thoughts on Commissioner’s memos, 55718

  • Importance of completing the EHV study by ERCOT.
  • Need for comprehensive data on grid infrastructure, including costs and benefits.
  • Significance of ERCOT’s statewide plan and its impact.
  • The role of EHV in the Permian Basin reliability plan.
  • Importance of keeping EHV on the table while ensuring imports for the Permian.
  • Permian Basin’s critical importance to the state’s economy.
  • Approval of a plan to get local projects started for the Permian.
  • Balancing the need for future-proof infrastructure with the immediate needs of the Permian Basin.
  • Concern about costs incurred by ratepayers for preliminary project preparations.
  • Tracking expenses through regulatory assets to ensure reasonableness and prudency.
  • Prioritizing projects to mitigate landowner impacts.
  • Recognizing the importance of landowner engagement in the process.
  • Comparison of electrical infrastructure planning with pipeline construction in terms of long-term economics.
  • Importance of timely completion of high voltage lines to meet the Permian’s immediate needs.

9.6 – Chairman Gleeson’s thoughts on Commissioner’s memos, 55718

  • Chairman Gleeson emphasized the importance of balancing growth with meeting demand.
  • Acknowledged the need to be accountable to timelines, ensuring plans work for all customers.
  • Customers have expressed willingness for 765 kV if data supports it, with a primary concern on timing.
  • Plan ensures desired build out regardless of the chosen path (i.e., 765 kV or other).
  • Chairman Gleeson aimed to confirm agreement on key points from Commissioner’s memos.
  • Confirmed agreement on Commissioner Cobos’ memo with the May 1 deadline.
  • Confirmed agreement on Commissioner Hjaltman’s memo allowing TDUs to book the regulatory asset.
  • Agreement on moving forward with ERCOT’s last addendum modifications on the plan.
  • Chairman sought clarification on Commissioner Hjaltman’s preference for a contested docket versus a project.

9.7 – Commissioner Hjaltman gives clarification on her memo, 55718

  • Staff to report back with recommendations after steps five, six, and seven as specified in the memo.
  • Clarification that steps five through seven are pending the final Commission Order.

9.8 – Motion to Direct OPDM to Draft Order Consistent with Commissioner’s Memos, 55718

  • Motion to direct OPDM to draft an order consistent with Commissioner Cobos and Commissioner Hjaltman’s memos and the discussion.
  • Motion was made and approved.

Items 10-20

  • Items 10-20 were Not Discussed

21 – Project No. 56793 – Issues Related to the Disaster Resulting from Hurricane Beryl

  • Chairman Gleeson called up Agenda Items 21 and 22 together.

21.1 – Executive Director, Connie Corona gives update on Houston workshop, 56793

  • Finalizing agenda for October 5 workshop in Houston.
  • Workshop to be held at Harris County Department of Education, Ronald Reagan building, starting at 9:00 am. 
  • Public invited to attend and provide verbal comments.
  • Will hear from subject matter experts on storm preparation and response best practices.
  • Importance of conducting the workshop in Houston to understand local perspectives on resiliency and reliability.

22 – Project No. 56822 – Investigation of Emergency Preparedness and Response by Utilities in Houston and Surrounding Communities

22.1 – Connie Corona on RFI response, 56822

  • Collection of RFI information nearly complete with a few items left to finalize.
  • Preparation of the investigation report will begin, with completion expected by November.

22.2 – Chairman Gleeson Adjourns Meeting

  • Chairman Gleeson adjourned the meeting as there was no further business to discuss

Related meeting(s): 09/12/24 – PUCT – Open Meeting

Related controls: 56822 – 55999 – 34677 – 55718 – 56793

Keyword Tags: PUCT