Meeting Summary - 11/07/24 ROS Meeting

0 – Validation for ROS Standing Representatives – ERCOT Staff
1 – Antitrust Admonition – Katie Rich
2 – Agenda Review – Katie Rich
3 – Approval of ROS Meeting Minutes – Possible Vote – Katie Rich
- Motion to approve October 3rd, 2024 ROS meeting minutes added to Combo Ballot
4 – Technical Advisory Committee TAC Update – Katie Rich
- Extensive discussion on NPRR1190 about HDL overrides; sent back from the board to TAC and tabled for more discussion next month.
- Lengthy discussion on NPRR1180.
- PGRR107 is on the agenda for today but tabled for next month along with discussion on NPRR1180.
- All revision requests brought to TAC were tabled, awaiting NPRRs at PRS.
- Follow-up on NOGRR245, with the Commission to conduct a rulemaking for subsequent issues.
5 – ERCOT Reports
5.1 – Operations Report – Alex Lee
- Unofficial October peak demand was 77,780 MW, which is 6,690 MW less compared to September of the previous year.
- A record for solar generation was set at 21,667 MW on September 8.
- One frequency event was mentioned, linked to a unit trip, but no ECRS or RRS deployments were needed.
- One DC tie curtailment occurred.
- There were 26 HRUC commitments, with nine due to congestion and 17 due to system capacity.
- ERCOT issued an OCN and an advisory for a potential tropical cyclone on September 9.
- Geomagnetic disturbance advisories of [K-7] or higher were issued.
- Frequency control issues began at the end of October, starting around October 27, causing reg exhaustion and additional operator actions.
- Incorrect HSL telemetry for many IRR resources at ERCOT affected SCED dispatch.
- Multiple RFIs were sent to correct the telemetry issues, to improve dispatch and enhance frequency control.
- A call for corrective actions and a quick turnaround on telemetry issues was made, with a week’s deadline for responsive actions.
- Follow-up discussion is anticipated at the December meeting if telemetry corrections are completed on time.
5.2 – System Planning Report – Ping Yan
- Ping Yin presented the monthly system planning report for ERCOT Grid Planning.
- An update on the extra High Voltage Infrastructure plan will be discussed at the upcoming RPG meeting next Tuesday.
- Ping Yin expressed willingness to address any questions, though none were raised during this segment.
5.3 – DWG Procedure Manual – Vote – Erin Wasik-Gutierrez
- Motion to approve the DWG Procedure as submitted added to combo ballot
- Erin Wasik-Gutierrez introduced changes to the DWG manual for approval.
- Previous changes related to NOGRR245 had inadvertently omitted existing language.
- The current proposal involves reinstating omitted text that was existing language.
- The reinstated text is visible in sections 3.4.1 through 4 of the manual.
- The request for approval is for transparency, ensuring all members had visibility into the changes.
- Suggestion to place the item on the combo ballot for voting.
6 – ROS Revision Requests – Vote – Katie Rich
- Three IAs,, all have no impact.
6.1 – PGRR107, Related to NPRR1180, Inclusion of Forecasted Load in Planning Analyses
- Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 10/3/24 ROS Report and 10/16/24 Impact Analysis for PGRR107
- There was a delay in releasing the IA because of ERCOT’s review of NPRR1180.
- The review of NPRR1180’s IA led to revisions, but PGRR107’s IA remains unchanged.
- No project required.
6.2 – PGRR118, Related to NPRR1246, Energy Storage Resource Terminology Alignment for the Single-Model Era
- Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 10/3/24 ROS Report and 7/31/24 Impact Analysis for PGRR118.
- No project required.
6.3 – NOGRR268, Related to NPRR1246, Energy Storage Resource Terminology Alignment for the Single-Model Era
- Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 10/3/24 ROS Report and 7/31/24 Impact Analysis for NOGRR268.
- No project required.
6.4 – PGRR120, SSO Prevention for Generator Interconnection
- Motion to table PGRR120 and refer the issue to PLWG and DWG added to combo ballot
- Background information was provided on the series capacitors in the ERCOT system, initially installed to facilitate renewable energy transfer and other generation transfers.
- Defined various types of subsynchronous oscillations including SSR, SSCI, and SSFR, and discussed SSR mitigation strategies present in ERCOT protocols.
- Highlighted historical SSO events and the continued occurrence of SSR events, despite existing mitigation measures, causing delays and equipment issues.
- The proposal of PGRR120 aims to prevent new generation projects from interconnecting such that they are N-1 (one Credible Single Contingency) from being radial to a series capacitor(s) and includes measures for generator modifications and real-time SSO mitigation.
- Clarified that the mitigation requirements primarily apply to new transmission-connected generators and addressed informal comments regarding distributed generation.
- Cyrus Reed raised questions about the distribution of mitigation responsibilities between generators and TDUs, discovering that the generator community carries most of the financial responsibility for SSR mitigation.
- It was revealed that fully mitigating SSR issues is complex and challenging, leading to the proposal to prevent new generators from connecting in high-risk configurations.
- There was a suggestion to analyze and determine the impact on generators currently in the queue and understand how many projects might be affected by the proposed PGRR120.
- Questions were raised by other participants on the SSO event list, the number of affected projects, and the handling of series capacitors.
- Clarified that ERCOT requested PGRR120 be tabled and referred to PLWG and DWG, reflecting the complexity and need for further analysis.
6.5 – NOGRR271, Related to NPRR1257, Limit on Amount of RRS a Resource can Provide Using Primary Frequency Response
- Motion to table NOGRR271 and refer the issue to PDCWG added to combo ballot
7 – NPRR1257, Limit on Amount of RRS a Resource can Provide Using Primary Frequency Response – Possible Vote – Katie Rich
- Motion to request PRS to table NPRR1257 for further review by PDCWG added to combo ballot
8 – Revision Requests Tabled at PRS and Referred to ROS – Possible Vote – Katie Rich.
8.1 – NPRR1229, Real-Time Constraint Management Plan Energy Payment
- NPRR1229 is currently being reviewed by WMWG.
- No updates or discussions were conducted during this meeting on this agenda item.
8.2 – NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater – NDSWG
- NPRR1234 is under review by the NDSWG.
- A presentation on NPRR1234 is expected to be given today.
9 – Revision Requests Tabled at ROS – Possible Vote – Katie Rich
9.1 – PGRR073, Related to NPRR956, Designation of Providers of Transmission Additions
- PGRR073 will remain in its current status.
- The meeting will proceed with OWG’s presentation followed by a break.
- Eithar Nashawati from Oncor inquired about NPRR1229 and its expectation from ROS.
- The NPRR229 remains tabled to address questions from ERCOT to STEC, which are technical and market-related.
- The need for input from ROS is a reason for the item staying tabled.
10 – Operations Working Group – OWG – Rickey Floyd
10.1 – NPRR1070, Planning Criteria for GTC Exit Solutions – OWG, PLWG – Possible Vote
- NPRR1070 planning criteria for GTC exit solution is currently tabled at OWG.
- Awaiting follow-up comments from ERCOT regarding their approach to the planning criteria.
10.2 – NPRR1238, Voluntary Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities – OWG – Possible Vote
- Waiting for ERCOT comments to be posted for NPRR1238.
- OWG will review the comments to try to reach consensus.
- Concerns about tracking Voluntary Early Curtailment Loads (VECLs).
- No recent update from ERCOT on the comments.
- Hopeful for comments to be filed before the next OWG meeting.
10.3 – NOGRR265, Related to NPRR1238, Voluntary Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities – OWG – Possible Vote
- The agenda item relates to NPRR1238, and ERCOT comments are pending.
- ERCOT had hoped to file comments before the current meeting but received further input from their Legal department suggesting a different approach.
- ERCOT is having additional internal discussions and aims to submit comments before the next OWG meeting.
- Attendees are reminded to inform Ricky or Tyler if comments are delayed.
- Imani has questions that are best addressed at the next OWG meeting, where Agee and possibly Bill Blevins will be available.
- The current meeting has concluded with a 10-minute break scheduled before resuming with the PLWG update.
11 – Planning Working Group – PLWG – Dylan Preas
- Discussion focused on the PLWG report.
- Dylan Preas and Mina Turner outlined the agenda for NPRR1247.
- Initial updates were provided before addressing specific slides on NPRR1247.
- Dylan Preas introduced himself as the PLWG Chair.
- The Planning Working Group meeting took place on October 16th.
11.1 – PGRR115, Related to NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater – PLWG – Possible Vote
- PGRR115 interconnection requirements for large loads were reviewed.
- Focus on modeling standards for loads 25 MWor greater.
- Reviewed comments from AEP on larger load rules and processes.
- Included discussion of new terms and applicable thresholds for large generator interconnection studies.
- Consideration of loads requested in neighboring TSPs within the same area.
- ERCOT plans to submit reply comments before the November 12th PLWG meeting.
- The item was tabled for further discussion.
11.2 – PGRR117, Addition of Resiliency Assessment and Criteria to Reflect PUCT Rule Changes – PLWG – Possible Vote
- Motion to recommend approval of PGRR117 as amended by the 10/11/24 ERCOT comments added to combo ballot
- PGRR117 is being passed on to ROS for consideration.
- The addition of resiliency assessment and criteria is introduced in Section 3 (regional planning) and Section 4 (transmission system criteria) of the Planning guide.
- ERCOT’s 10/11/24 comments were reviewed.
- There’s a concern about the lack of a clear process on using the results from the resiliency assessment.
- ERCOT plans to propose an NPRR to address how to evaluate upgrades meeting the proposed resiliency criteria.
- The recommendation to move forward to ROS is based on ERCOT’s comments.
11.3 – PGRR119, Stability Constraint Modeling Assumptions in the Regional Transmission Plan
- Introduction of PGRR119 regarding stability constraint modeling assumptions in the Regional Transmission Plan (RTP).
- First presentation of this item to PLWG.
- Review by ERCOT which formalizes the current practice of applying a reliability margin to stability constraints.
- Modeling of constraints takes place in RTP reliability and economic base cases.
- Request made to table the item for further discussion after an initial review.
11.4 – NPRR1247, Incorporation of Congestion Cost Savings Test in Economic Evaluation of Transmission Projects – PLWG – Possible Vote
- Motion to endorse NPRR1247 as amended by the 10/23/24 ERCOT comments
- Motion carries with 76.9% in favor, and 11 abstentions.
- NPRR1247 was initially skipped and then reintroduced for discussion.
- Discussion included NERC CIP-014-4 revisions and its ballot failure.
- NERC TPL-008-1 on transmission planning for extreme weather was mentioned.
- Review of load planning language from PGRR107 will be revisited in October or November.
- Discussion about moving forward with PGRR117; added to the combo ballot.
- Dylan presented NPRR1247’s purpose and outcome of the special October 29th meeting.
- PLWG draft with luminant comments was highlighted featuring three main language changes.
- ERCOT’s comments post-PLWG meeting were discussed, noting oppositions to incorporating certain white papers.
- Option to consider and vote on ERCOT or PLWG versions of the NPRR based on white papers impact.
- Concerns over voting urgency and procedural constraints were expressed.
12 – Network Data Support Working Group – NDSWG – Gerardo Escamilla
- Discussion on the ICCP handbook and NPRR1234 modeling for loads of 25 MW or greater.
- Clarification on identifying loads as large customers, commercial, or residential.
- Consideration of identifying if a station has single or multiple load owners.
- Pending discussion and decision on the ICCP handbook linked with RTC+B Project.
- Reiteration of the urgency for the NPRR1247 IA at PRS to meet the end-of-year timeline.
- Confirmation that either NPRR1247 version wouldn’t require changes to the IA.
- Acknowledgment that no changes to IA would ensure keeping the urgent timeline.
13 – Combo Ballot – Vote – Katie Rich
- Motion to approve the combo ballot as presented passes with 100% in favor with no abstentions.
- Motion to approve October 3, 2024 ROS Meeting Minutes.
- Motion to approve the DWG Procedure Manual as submitted.
- PGRR107 – Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 10/3/24 ROS Report and 10/16/24 Impact Analysis.
- PGRR118 – Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 10/3/24 ROS Report and 7/31/24 Impact Analysis .
- NOGRR268 – Motion to endorse and forward to TAC the 10/3/24 ROS Report and 7/31/24 Impact Analysis.
- Motion to table PGRR120 and refer the issue to PLWG and DWG
- Motion to table NOGRR271 and refer the issue to PDCWG
- Motion to request PRS to table NPRR1257 for further review by PDCWG
- Motion to recommend approval of PGRR117 as amended by the 10/11/24 ERCOT comments
14 – Dynamics Working Group (DWG)
- Not Discussed
15 – Inverter Based Resources Working Group (IBRWG)
- Not Discussed
16 – Steady State Working Group (SSWG)
- Not Discussed
17 – Operations Training Working Group (OTWG)
- Not Discussed
18 – Other Business – Katie Rich
18.1 – Review Open Action Items List
- Discussion on NOGRR245 and upcoming related work.
- EEA 2 event on September 6th, 2023 reviewed by working groups. No lingering issues reported.
- No immediate actions required on parking lot items.
- Next meeting scheduled for December 5th..
18.2.1 – Black Start Working Group (BSWG)
- Not Discussed
18.2.2 – PDCWG
- Not Discussed
18.2.4 – System Protection Working Group – SPWG
- SPWG conducted a survey with TDSPs regarding the system protection topic.
- The item will be brought up again in the November Agenda.
- Next steps include deciding on the need for a subsequent PGRR or any binding document drafts.
- Topic is still actively being worked on.
- Update received on the ICCP handbook from NDSWG.
- Awaiting feedback from ERCOT for further review.
18.2.5 – Not Discussed
19 – Adjourn