Reliability and Operations Subcommittee

  1. 1 – Antitrust Admonition – Katie Rich

    2 – Agenda Review – Katie Rich

    3 – Approval of ROS Meeting Minutes – Possible Vote – Katie Rich

    3.1 – July 11, 2024

    • Confirmation to add meeting minutes to the combo ballot.

    4 – Technical Advisory Committee – TAC – Update – Katie Rich

    • NPRR1230 approved: sets transmission shadow price caps for IROL, effective October 1 with 30-day market notice period starting October 2.
    • Discussion on NOGRR245: ongoing work between ERCOT and joint commenters on exemption process bifurcation, will move to subsequent NOGRR with board priority.
    • Expect updates at August R&M committee and Board meeting.

    5 – ERCOT Reports

    5.1 – Operations Report (June) – Alex Lee

    • Peak demand of 79,698 MW on June 30, about 1128 MW less than the previous year’s June peak.
    • Wind generation record of 27,881 MW on June 17.
    • Solar generation record of 19,395 MW on June 22.
    • Four frequency events in June related to unit trips.
    • No ECRS or RRS deployments.
    • Three DC tie curtailments.
    • 15 HRUC commitments related to capacity and constraints.

    5.2 – System Planning Report – Ping Yan (55718) (HB5066)

    • Permian Basin reliability plan study report posted on ERCOT website.
    • Updated 2024 long term load forecast posted on ERCOT website.
    • Prabhu Gnanam and Jeff Billo are available for questions on these topics.
    • PUC staff issued questions on the Permian Basin study; comments due August 9, workshop on August 22.
    • Ken Donohoo inquired about public access to posted cases; Prabhu mentioned TSPs have access, broader access under discussion.

    5.3 – Generic Transmission Constraint – GTC – Update – Sun Wook Kang

    • GTC Update
    • Four GTCs to manage thermal-related cascading issues on the Calaveras-Pawnee 345 kV lines.
    • These GTCs have been effective since March 2024.
    • ERCOT conducted a study indicating that full transmission upgrade would help manage the GTCs.
    • Four transmission projects are identified to help exit the South Texas GTCs:
      • San Antonio Reliability 1 Project
      • LRGV Ground Value Transmission Improvement Projects
      • San Antonio Reliability 2 Projects
      • Expected service dates: 2027 and 2029.
    • A remaining line and existing Tango-Goddard-Katenn-Lon Hill upgrades were also needed; this project was identified in the 2023 RTP.
    • San Antonio Reliability 1 and 2 Projects and the LRGV projects will create new 345 kV paths to improve infrastructure.
    • The fourth project involves rebuilding the existing 345 kV line from Tango to Lon Hill
    • All projects aim to improve import and export GTC capabilities.
    • No further updates expected; access certificates posted on the MIS website.
    • Remaining projects under development by TSP’s, and RPG submission expected from TSP.

    6 – ROS Revision Requests – Vote – Katie Rich

    6.1 Impact Analysis

    6.2 – NOGRR262, Provisions for Operator-Controlled Manual Load Shed

    • No project required.
    • NOGRR262 added to the combo ballot

    6.4 – NOGRR266, Related to NPRR1239, Access to Market Information

    • NOGRR266 was decided to table for later discussion or consideration.
    • NOGRR266 added to the combo ballot.

    6.5 – NOGRR267, Related to NPRR1240, Access to Transmission Planning Information

    • NOGRR267 added to the combo ballot.

    6.6 – PGRR116, Related to NPRR1240, Access to Transmission Planning Information

    • PGRR116 added to the combo ballot.

    6.7 – PGRR117, Addition of Resiliency Assessment and Criteria to Reflect PUCT Rule Changes

    • The PUCT rule requires ERCOT to conduct a biannual assessment for power grid reliability and resiliency in extreme weather.
    • ERCOT can recommend transmission projects to address resiliency issues identified in the assessment.
    • Introduction of the acronym GRRA: Grid Reliability and Resiliency Assessment.
    • Section added to identify what pertains to the GRRA.
    • Assessment to be conducted biennially in even-numbered years, focusing on thermal and renewable generation availability.
    • Identification of areas in the ERCOT region with significant reliability and resiliency issues due to extreme weather.
    • Recommendation of transmission upgrades based on the assessment to improve reliability and resiliency.
    • Definition of extreme weather scenarios including patterns of generation, extreme peak loads, and multiple outages.
    • Evaluation of contingencies P0, P1, P2, and P7 of the NERC reliability standard TPL-001.
    • Modifications to section 4.1 section 1 for introduction and addition of resiliency criteria.
    • Resiliency criteria include transmission upgrades to prevent instability, uncontrolled islanding, and reduce load shedding impacts.
    • Motion to table PGRR117 and refer the issue to PLWG added to the combo ballot.

    7 – NPRR1239, Access to Market Information – Possible Vote – Katie Rich

    • NPRR1239 added to the combo ballot.

    8 – NPRR1240, Access to Transmission Planning Information – Possible Vote – Katie Rich

    • NPRR1240 added to the combo ballot.

    9 – New Protocol Revision Subcommittee – PRS – Referrals – Vote – Katie Rich

    9.1 – NPRR1238, Voluntary Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities – Possible Vote

    • NPRR1238 added to the combo ballot.

    10 – Revision Requests Tabled at PRS and Referred to ROS – Possible Vote – Katie Rich

    10.1 – NPRR1229, Real-Time Constraint Management Plan Energy Payment

    • NPRR1229 remains tabled.

    10.2 – NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater – NDSWG

    • Request for confirmation from NDSWG leadership to include NPRR1234 in their next meeting agenda.
    • A note will be sent to NDSWG leadership for confirmation to ensure it is not overlooked.

    11 – Revision Requests Tabled at ROS – Possible Vote – Katie Rich

    11.1 – PGRR073, Related to NPRR956, Designation of Providers of Transmission Additions

    • PGRR073 remains tabled.

    12 – Operations Working Group – OWG – Tyler Springer

    • OWG Update
    • Public comment for BAL-001-TRE started on 7-15 and lasts for 30 days.
    • NERC standard review form session scheduled for July 25, 9-11 AM; materials available on NERC website.
    • Cyber and physical security workshop on July 28 at Texas RE; agenda on TRE website.
    • Industry workshop for missed operation reduction announced for October 1-2 in Salt Lake City at WECC offices; sign up on NERC website.

    12.1 – NPRR1070, Planning Criteria for GTC Exit Solutions – OWG, PLWG – Possible Vote

    • NPRR1070 remains tabled at OWG pending a timeline from ERCOT.

    12.2 – NOGRR265, Related to NPRR1238, Voluntary Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities – Possible Vote

    • Bill Blevins from ERCOT discussed telemetry registration for transmission versus distribution loads.
    • VDI with NPRR1217 should transition to XML.
    • Concerns raised about distribution load qualifying and potential issues with UFLS for large customers.
    • ERCOT suggests set point should be 3000 to avoid hitting the EEA1 limit at 2500.
    • VECL to be deducted from TOs native load for summer and winter percentages.
    • Discussion on VECL entering an agreement with just the QSE.
    • Group believes the TO should also be part of the agreement if it impacts the customer’s equipment.
    • Bill proposed adding TSP sign-off on the existing ERCOT form for simplicity.
    • Initial suggestion for table updates four times per year, adjusted to two times per year for winter and summer updates.
    • Reminder about hit list submission deadline and review at August OWG meeting.
    • OTWG update on severe weather drill; market notification already sent; no CEHs provided.
    • Single point of contact for Blackstart training to be sent by August 15; training weeks: October 14 – November 21; market notice in September; no pilot session planned; prerequisite portion through ERCOT LMS.
    • ERCOT operations training seminar for 2025 to include additional topics related to QSEs; seeking speakers from market participants; no EEA or emergency training simulations; seminars scheduled for April to March next year.
    • NOGRR265 and NPRR1238 to be discussed together at this month’s meeting; potential comments from Oncor and ERCOT anticipated.

    13 – Planning Working Group – PLWG – Dylan Preas

    13.1 – PGRR107, Related to NPRR1180, Inclusion of Forecasted Load in Planning Analyses – PLWG – Possible Vote

    • PLWG Update
    • PLWG discussed PGRR107 and NPRR1180 regarding the inclusion of forecasted load in planning analysis in the July 16th meeting..
    • Extensive discussion on substantiated load definition.
    • Questions and discussions about double load counting, transparency, and reporting requirements and the impact on the CDR report..
    • PLWG tabled this item for another month to further develop it.
    • Expectation to finalize at the next PLWG meeting and return it to ROS in September.

    13.2 – PGRR115, Related to NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater – Possible Vote

    • Lengthy discussion included submission of future large load information to ERCOT.
    • Importance of including large loads in the QSA and keeping large load commissioning plans up to date.
    • ERCOT Steel Mills submitted comments on July 3, which were discussed at PLWG.
    • Concerns were raised about remote control disconnect requirements for existing large loads.
    • PLWG tabled this discussion for future meetings.
    • NERC Topics Roundtable agenda item was bumped due to lengthy PLWG meeting.
    • Mina Turner from AEP is on the drafting team for NERC CIP-014-4 revisions, planned for future discussion at PLWG meeting.
    • Review of NERC TPL-008-1, a new transmission planning performance standard for extreme weather.
    • Tracking open action items including congestion costs and implementation of NPRR1070.
    • Next PLWG meeting scheduled for August 13, following the RPG meeting.
    • Confirmation that PGRR117 will be on the August 13 agenda.

    14 – Performance, Disturbance, Compliance Working Group – PDCWG – Chad Mulholland

    • Chad Mulholland presented an update on behalf of Kevin Bunch and the PDC.
    • A first look at the 2025 ancillary service methodology was discussed.
    • Changes to the methodology affect only Reg-Up and Reg-Down allocations.
    • Other ancillary services are only changing in their allocation amounts, not in methodology.
    • Small decreases in Reg-Up and Reg-Down allocations are expected for 2025.
    • Responsive Reserve allocations are projected to remain flat.
    • Small increases in ECRS and Non-Spin allocations are anticipated.
    • Details and additional analysis will be shared with other stakeholder forums soon.

    14.1 – NOGRR263, Clarification of Controllable Load Resource Primary Frequency Response Responsibilities – PDCWG – Possible Vote)

    • NOGRR263 was referred to the PDC at the last month’s ROS.
    • PDC’s discussion was generally supportive of NOGRR263.
    • Concern about potential negative impact on ERCOT PFR due to NOGRR263.
    • There is no quantifiable impact or definitive reliability risk identified.
    • The item was referred back to ROS for further discussion based on supportive feedback.
    • Motion to recommend approval of NOGRR263 as amended by the 7/22/24 Priority Power comments added to the combo ballot.

    14.2 – NOGRR264, Related to NPRR1235, Dispatchable Reliability Reserve Service as a Stand-Alone Ancillary Service – Possible Vote

    • Gennerally supportive of NOGRR264
    • Motion to recommend approval of NOGRR264 as submitted added to mini combo ballot

    14.3 – NPRR1235, Dispatchable Reliability Reserve Service as a Stand-Alone Ancillary Service – Possible Vote

    • NPRR1235 related to DRRs: supportive conversation, no major issues or concerns raised.
    • Discussion on including ESRs in DRRs: general interest from ERCOT to continue the conversation, suggestion for a separate workshop.
    • Frequency control metrics and reg reports: nothing unusual noted, presentations available in backup slides.
    • Texas TRE report: SAR for BAL-001-TRE open for comment, volunteer request for drafting team anticipated around September or October.
    • Motion to endorse NPRR1235 as submitted added to mini combo ballot..

    ICCP Tags for IRR Curtailment Discussion:

    • ERCOT working on new tags specifying collective solar and wind curtailment data, expected by end of month.


    • One FME in June on the 29th, routine event with overall good frequency response.
    • Issues noticed with telemetry errors in wind and energy storage units causing poor scores.

    Stakeholder Comments on NPRR1235 and NOGRR264:

    • Nitika Mago: Continued effort to refine DRRs, engage stakeholders, NPRR for DRRs and ESRs targeted before end of year.
    • Cyrus Reed (Sierra Club): Filed comments supporting inclusion of storage resources in DRRs, legislative intent to enable this.
    • Doug Pietrucha (Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance): Support for storage participation in DRRs, open to workshops for discussion.
    • Michael Jewell (Joint Commenters): Support for discussing storage participation, concerns about specific language but willingness to work with ERCOT.

    Voting Decisions:

    • NOGRR264 and NPRR1235: Motion to recommend approva as submitted and endorse as submitted, respectively.
    • The motion carries with seven abstentions. 
    • 15 – Dynamics Working Group – DWG – Paul Koberlein

      15.1 – DWG Procedure Manual – Possible Vote

      • Procedure Manual Update
      • Seeking ROS approval for an update to the DWG procedure manual to align with changes proposed with NOGRR245.
      • Proposal to make the new procedure manual effective upon the approval of NOGRR245.
      • Feedback received from Southern Power and Vistra, beyond the scope of desktop edits.
      • Next steps involve discussing comments in DWG and adapting language as needed.
      • Plan to seek approval at the next ROS meeting on September 9.
      • Southern Power requests a delay for technical vetting of updates, particularly by OEMs, to align models with new changes.
      • Concerns about impact on ongoing modeling requests; suggestion for a transition period.
      • Discussion on the comments will continue at the next IBR/TWG joint workshop on August 9.
      • ERCOT’s Sun Wook clarified  that the current manual remains effective until NPRR245 is approved.

      16 – Combo Ballot – Vote – Katie Rich

    • 17 – Black Start Working Group – BSWG – Mike Dieringer

      • Not Discussed

      18 – Inverter Based Resources Working Group – IBRWG – Julia Matevosyan

      • Presentation on advanced grid support from inverter based energy storage resources functional specifications and test framework by Andrew Isaacs.
      • Four commercially available battery models tested with the proposed framework.
      • Focus on basic functions for energy storage resources to enhance grid support.
      • Highlight of damping capability requirements unique to ERCOT due to many serious capacitors on long transmission lines.
      • Potential conflicts identified between IEEE 2800 standard and advanced support requirements; further examination needed.
      • Proposed four test benches for simulation-based testing; eleven simulation tests proposed.
      • Discussion on adopting advanced grid support requirements for new energy storage resources and voluntary implementation for existing ones.
      • Background provided on the necessity of advanced grid support and global grid forming requirements; benefits shown in ERCOT preliminary studies.
      • Improvement of 5-10% in GDC limits observed in some cases.
      • Transmission service owners encouraged to consider advanced grid support devices for future transmission reinforcements.
      • Finalization of functional specifications and tests planned, with submission of a revision request by the end of the year.
      • Continued assessment of grid forming capabilities from other inverter based resources like wind and solar, and black start capability from grid forming resources.
      • Stakeholders to contact Fred Huang at ERCOT for comments on functional specifications and testing framework.
      • Discussion on DWG procedure manual and future agenda for IBRWG meeting on August 9.
      • SPWG discussing auto recording close to IBRs to improve ride-through capability with setting changes; further discussion at August IBRWG meeting.
      • Texas RE mentioned a market notice switching to single resource CSR model from the beginning of August; potential update to be provided to IBRWG.

      19 – Network Data Support Working Group – NDSWG –  Gerardo Escamilla – 12:55 p.m.

      • Not discussed

      20 – System Protection Working Group – SPWG – Mark McChesney

      • Reviewed proposals from ERCOT on distribution transform modeling.
      • Discussed system change requests to integrate short circuit data into ERCOT’s modeling systems.
      • Received an update on NERC activities related to PRC standards.
      • Invited Aspen to update on short circuit modeling of IBR generators.
      • Held an open discussion on reclosing philosophies related to IBRs and IEEE C 37.104 guidance.
      • Plan to continue the conversation at the next IBRWG.

      21 – Steady State Working Group – SSWG – Zach Walker

      • Zach Walker, vice chair of SSWG, filled in for William Robertson.
      • Gave a quick verbal update, no new items to present.
      • Currently working on the second case build of 2024, targeted for late October publication.
      • A couple of active items involving proposed revisions to the SSWG procedure manual are ongoing.
      • Aiming for consensus among the working group on these revisions.
      • Next business meeting scheduled for August 28 in person at ERCOT.
      • Julia Matevosyan noted a deadline of August 12 for comments on three dark standard drafts.

      22 – Other Business – Katie Rich

      22.1 – 2025 Meeting Schedule

      • PRS moved their meetings to Wednesdays and finalized their schedule for next year.
      • No proposed changes to the current schedule.
      • Most meetings will remain on Thursdays..
      • Will continue using WebEx for meetings with conflicts with open meetings.
      • Agreement to post the schedule on the website if everyone agrees.

      22.2 – Review Open Action Items List

      • SSWG updated the procedural manual after PGRR113 related to NPRR1198.
      • PLWG recommended, and ROS advanced the update forward.
      • SSWG manual is updated on the ERCOT website.
      • New practice initiated: follow-up emails for referrals to ensure they are discussed in the next meeting.
      • Next meeting scheduled for September 9, a Monday, to avoid Labor Day holiday; it will be WebEx only.

      23 – Adjourn

      • The meeting was adjourned.

Related controls: NPRR1240 – NOGRR263 – NPRR1217 – NPRR1230 – PGRR115 – NOGRR262 – NPRR1229 – NOGRR264 – NPRR1180 – NPRR1238 – PGRR117 – NOGRR267 – NPRR1234 – PGRR116 – NPRR1235 – NPRR1240 – 55718 – NOGRR266 – NPRR956 – PGRR073 – NPRR245 – NPRR1239 – 88R-HB5066 – NPRR956 – PGRR073 – NPRR245 – NPRR1239 – 88H-HB5066 – NOGRR265 – NPRR1070 – PGRR107 – NOGRR245

Keyword Tags: Katie RichTAC | ERCOTSun Wook Kang  | GTC Update |  NERCBAL-001-TRE  | OWGPLWG